Palo santo sticks

  • $5.00
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Palo Santo is Spanish for holy wood, and you’ll realize how it came to have such a complimentary name when you inhale its sweet scent. Palo Santo Wood is a sacred wood that comes from the Palo Santo tree. When it is burned, the smoke is believed to have medicinal and therapeutic healing power. Palo santo wood starts a fire within your soul, and lets the smoke of your burning passion carry your intentions out into the universe. As you burn this sacred wood, feel it inspire your creativity, clear your negative energy and bring love and fortune onto your horizon.

Though every country has its botanical treasures, palo santo stands out as being especially awe-inducing. The scent it casts off will immediately force you into a mindful state of being, erasing everything else from your purview. Inhale the burnt citrus scent of palo santo to feel yourself cleansed of the stress or negativity weighing down your chest. Allow its aroma to uplift your spirit.  Due to the numerous healing powers of palo santo, the sacred wood has for centuries served as a panacea in remote areas of South America. Its use in sacred rituals has lead to palo santo becoming an essential tool for all Shamans.

Palo santo can also be a friend to your crystals, helping to purify their energy when you first receive them, and periodically when their energy begins to feel heavy. To use its healing energy on your crystals, begin by lighting the palo santo stick, and waiting for its flame to die out. Holding the palo santo stick in one hand, use your other hand to raise your crystal and immerse it into the smoke of the palo santo. Depending on how many crystals you are cleansing, you may have to relight the stick a few times. Unlike sage, which continues to burn, palo santo is a bit more reluctant to hold a flame. If you can’t lift your crystal, your hand or a feather to waft the medicinal smoke onto the stone.  


Light your Palo Santo stick. Let the stick catch fire, and allow it to burn for about 30 seconds. Then gently blow it out. If needed, you can blow on the embers to keep the smoke going throughout your cleansing process. Say aloud or silently, “I ask that the plant spirit of Palo Santo please bring blessings into the space.” To bless yourself, the space, or crystals, simply allow the smoke and rich smell of the Palo Santo to fill the room. To fill your space with blessings, start at the front door and walk clockwise through it with your Palo Santo. When finished, place the Palo Santo stick in a fireproof container. The glow at the end of the stick will eventually go out on its own

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